Why does this rex query work fine in a simple search, but then fail when used in both a primary and a subsearch? I need to parse fields in both places. I built an initial query that worked fine alone, then created a subsearch and copied/pasted the identical rex into it. It now fails with the error "Error in 'rex' command: Invalid argument: '(' The search job has failed due to an error. You may be able view the job in the Job Inspector." This doesn't make sense to me since it worked alone, but now with two copies of them it fails.
What do you think is going on, and how do I fix it? The purpose is to find Devices with Tasks that failed at one time, but where a later Task succeeded. Thanks so much.
Here is the code, although for some reason the * asterisks after each dot (.) in the regexes don't seem to come through in the preview window:
source="File1.csv" index="inventory-legacy" | regex Notes="^Succ.*" | transaction Description | rex field=Description "^(?<TaskID>[^-]+).*" | rex field=Description "^[^-]+-(?<DeviceName>.*)" [ search source="File1.csv" index="inventory-legacy" | regex Notes="^Fail.*" | transaction Description | rex field=Description "^(?<TaskID>[^-]+).*" | rex field=Description "^[^-]+-(?<DeviceName>.*)" | dedup DeviceName, TaskID | fields DeviceName ] |sort -_time, +TaskID, +DeviceName | table _time, TaskID, DeviceName, Description, Notes
More background: Initially I tried a simple query using (Notes="Succ*" OR Notes="Fail*") [thank you RickGalloway for your input] which does indeed pull all records, both successes and failures, but it's not quite what I want. I created the subsearch to first identify Devices associated with a particular TaskID that attempted an action at one time and failed. Once we have that pool of devices, the primary search looks to see which of those devices subsequently ran with a new TaskID that did succeed. Using a subsearch should greatly reduce the events returned, and will provide the answer I need to the question: "Which TaskID (a set of tests run on a Device) subsequently succeeded after a previous TaskID (different tests) had failed?" Thanks!
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