You can use query parameter in the the GET request
for example: when you will be running
curl -X GET https://SPLUNK_SH:8089/servicesNS/nobody/SH_APP/storage/collections/data/KVSTORE_COLL?query={%20%22$and%22:%20[{%22def_id%22:{%22$gt%22:1049}},{%22def_id%22:{%22$lt%22:1060}},{%22sla_status%22:%220%22}]}
it is an URL encoded { "$and": [{"def_id":{"$gt":1049}},{"def_id":{"$lt":1060}},{"sla_status":"0"}]} query, and you will get all the items that their def_id is 1050-1060 AND sla_status = 0.
Once you have the _key of all the items you want update, just submit the new full content of the items, since it's actually overwrite, and there is no update as such, you will need to re-submit all the "data" fields with their values
For more information please refer (to the official documentation) here https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/RESTREF/RESTkvstore#Queries or (my understanding) here http://isbyr.com/splunk-kv-store-using-rest-api/
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