Try something along these lines | makeresults
| eval origData="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><BAD_MSG><violation_masks><block>58f7c3e96a0c279b-7e3f5f28b0000040</block><alarm>5cf7c3e97b0c6fdb-7e3f5f28b0000040</alarm><learn>5cf2c1e9730c2f5b-3d3c000830000000</learn><staging>0-0</staging></violation_masks><response_violations><violation><viol_index>56</viol_index><viol_name>VIOL_HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS</viol_name><response_code>500</response_code></violation></response_violations></BAD_MSG>"
| rex mode=sed field=origData "s/<(?<!)/
</g s/>(?=<)/>
| rex max_match=0 field=origData "(?m)(?<line>^.+$)"
| fields - origData
| streamstats count as row
| mvexpand line
| eval open=if(match(line,"^\<(?!.*\/)"),1,null())
| eval undent=if(match(line,"^<\/"),-1,null())
| streamstats window=1 current=f values(open) as indent by row global=f
| streamstats sum(indent) as space by row global=f
| streamstats sum(undent) as unspace by row global=f
| fillnull value=0 unspace space
| eval spaces=space+unspace+len(line)
| eval line=printf("%".spaces."s",line)
| stats list(line) as line by row
| eval line=mvjoin(line,"
| fields - row You could add some additional tweaking to deal with the initial xml line if you are certain it is always there
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