Here's what I ended up doing: Created a dropdown for the versions and added conditions in that to pass to the panels with the queries. Then I added a row at the top that displays for the user which version to pick from the dropdown. This wasn't what I had in mind but for now it works. Below is the dashboard code in case anyone smarter and more experienced happens to notice something I could improve on. <form version="1.1" theme="light">
<label>Education Title Report</label>
<query>| inputlookup HealthcareMasterList.csv
| search propertyId=$propertyId$
| table propertyId FullHospitalName MarinaVersion
| join type=left propertyId
[ search sourcetype=sysconfighost-v* earliest=-24@h propertyId=$propertyId$
| dedup propertyId hostId sortby -dateTime
| stats max(coreVersion) as coreVersion by propertyId]
| eval version=if(isnull(coreVersion),MarinaVersion,coreVersion)
| eval version=substr(version,1,2)
| eval version=case(version IN ("6.","10","11","12","14"),"Pre15",version IN ("15","16","17","18"),"Post15",1=1,version)
| fields - MarinaVersion coreVersion</query>
<eval token="MarinaVersion">$result.version$</eval>
<fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="propertyId" searchWhenChanged="true">
<query>| inputlookup HealthcareMasterList.csv
| table propertyId FullHospitalName MarinaVersion
| join type=left propertyId
[ search sourcetype=sysconfighost-v*
[| inputlookup HealthcareMasterList.csv
| fields propertyId
| format]
| dedup propertyId hostId sortby -dateTime
| stats max(coreVersion) as coreVersion by propertyId]
| eval version=if(isnull(coreVersion),MarinaVersion,coreVersion)
| eval version=substr(version,1,2)
| eval version=case(version IN ("6.","10","11","12","14"),"Pre15",version IN ("15","16","17","18"),"Post15",1=1,version)
| fields - MarinaVersion coreVersion
| sort FullHospitalName</query>
<input type="dropdown" token="WhichVersion">
<label>Marina Version</label>
<choice value="Pre15">Pre15</choice>
<choice value="Post15">Post15</choice>
<choice value="NA">NA</choice>
<condition value="Post15">
<unset token="NoAssignments"></unset>
<set token="IncludesAssignments">true</set>
<unset token="NoInfo"></unset>
<condition value="Pre15">
<set token="NoAssignments">true</set>
<unset token="IncludesAssignments"></unset>
<unset token="NoInfo"></unset>
<condition value="NA">
<unset token="NoAssignments"></unset>
<unset token="IncludesAssignments"></unset>
<set token="NoInfo">true</set>
<input type="time" token="field1" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Date Picker</label>
<html>Please select the following for the Marina Version dropdown:</html>
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