We are indexing AWS data into Splunk using Splunk Add-on for AWS.
We have configured inputs to retrieve data from AWS Config.
AWS Config data should go in the sourcetypes 'aws:config' & 'aws:config:notification'.
While we do get data in 'aws:config' we do not get any data under 'aws:config:notification'.
The documentation (https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/AWS/ConfigureInputs) states that 'SQS-based S3' input type is supported for 'aws:config:notification'.
However, we spotted the following message in the logs :
2019-06-07 07:55:02,631 level=INFO pid=26766 tid=Thread-5 logger=splunk_ta_aws.modinputs.sqs_based_s3.handler pos=handler.py:parse:149 | start_time=1559893993 datainput="config-sqs_s3", created=1559894102.63 message_id="58cee5d5-0b6b-46b7-af16-2e3ee2a2d22f" ttl=300 job_id=73693ed4-de47-4c5d-bd0f-3dbf11bcb5b6 | message="Ingnoring this config message." message_type="ConfigurationItemChangeNotification"
And handler.py seems pretty clear about it:
class ConfigNoticeParser(object):
Wrapper class for easy accessing config dict
based notifications.
def __init__(self, message, region_cache):
self._message = message
self._region_cache = region_cache
def parse(self):
message = self._message
message_type = message['messageType']
if message_type in self._UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_TYPE:
logger.info('Ingnoring this config message.',
return []
if message_type not in self._SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_TYPE:
raise TypeError('Unknown config message.')
# for supported message types
bucket = message['s3Bucket']
region = self._region_cache.get_region(bucket)
key = message['s3ObjectKey']
if not isinstance(key, unicode):
raise TypeError('s3ObjectKey is expected to be an unicode object.')
return [self._make(region, bucket, key)]
def _make(self, region, bucket, key):
return S3Notice(region, bucket, key, None, None)
aws_account = <assume_role_name>
aws_iam_role = <aws_account_name>
disabled = 0
host = <host>
index = main
interval = 300
s3_file_decoder = config
sourcetype = aws:config
sqs_batch_size = 10
sqs_queue_region = <region>
sqs_queue_url = https://sqs.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/<aws_account_id>/<sqs_name>;
Are we missing something here ?
Thanks in advance for any hint!
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