Splunk Mobile

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Splunk Mobile

Splunk Mobile
Get notifications, view dashboards, and take action with your data on the go with Splunk Mobile. Using Splunk Mobile with your Splunk deployment, you can: - Receive and respond to notifications triggered by your Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Cloud, or Splunk Phantom instances. - Get insights from multiple Splunk instances. - View, filter, and search for dashboards and reports from your Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud instance. - Receive alerts from your Splunk deployment on your mobile phone to quickly triage issues To get data from your Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud instance, use Splunk Secure Gateway to transmit data from your on-premise deployment or cloud deployment to registered mobile devices. Splunk Secure Gateway is included in Splunk Cloud version 8.1.2103 and Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.0 and higher.
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