On page 2 of the of this module it has you creating a lookup table file and then a Lookup definition.
When you successfully create the table file and try to create a definition that points to that CSV the file is missing from the drop down menu.
From the search I had to enter "|inputlookup products.csv" which displayed the contents of products.csv and then when I went back to the definition creation I could select products.csv from the lookup file selection.
Hope this helps someone else.
I couldnt get the auto lookup working no matter what I did on page 3 😞
Couldnt see fields Price or ProductName . Not sure what I was doing wrong.
index=main sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" file=success.do status=200 | stats sum(Price) as Revenue by ProductName
thanks a lot, the exact same thing happened to me, your post just saved me a lot of google search & dig
Thank you.
Hi @michaelcarnett,
Can you please share sample XML? I think the problem might be in fieldvalue & fieldLabel option of dropdown.