I'm trying to extract a field via rex for a search and having problems. Hoping someone could help me...
Here's some sample data - I want to get the "user" field, which is the "a" plus the 6 digits. I had rex "(?i)/.*?/(?P<FIELDNAME>[a-f0-9]+)(?=@)"
, but that didn't work.
2014-01-09T10:35:27.671644-05:00 hosta Juniper: 2014-01-09 10:35:27 - ive - [] a123456(Mobile Web Cert)[Mobile] - Network Connect: Session started for user with IP, hostname a123456s-iPad
2014-01-09T10:34:40.618589-05:00 hosta Juniper: 2014-01-09 10:34:40 - ive - [] a987654 JOE SCHMOE(Web Cert)[Full Access] - Network Connect: Session started for user with IP, hostname BLAH
Try something like this:
search |rex ".*(?P<userID>[a]\d{6})"
I would suggest;
... | rex "\]\s(?<user>a\d{6})"