I have problem with saving regex for extracting class name
Here is my regex
(?i)\[([0-9a-zA-Z\.\s\-]*(\[[0-9]*\])?[0-9a-zA-Z\.\s\-\/]*)\]\s(?P<FIELDNAME>[^ ]+)
And here is log sample
12.02.2015 12:14:16.946 INFO [ [1423743256597] GET /content/company/global/en/company/notices/polish.html HTTP/1.1] com.company.web.core.cdn.CDNTransformer CDN: http://static-dc.company.net
12.02.2015 14:17:03.340 INFO [pool-5-thread-3] org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.SharedItemStateManager Validating change-set hierarchy
And here is splunk error
"Invalid regex: no named extraction at position 5 (i.e., "[([0-9a-zA..."). Expected "(?P<variable>pattern)""
This regex string works with your example log entries on regex101.com. It also handles nested brackets.
\[.*\]\s(?P<FIELDNAME>[^ ]+)
This regex string works with your example log entries on regex101.com. It also handles nested brackets.
\[.*\]\s(?P<FIELDNAME>[^ ]+)
Thanks 😄
The forward slash needs to be escaped.
You have nested capturing groups. Is that intentional?
in some log lines I have nested [] so I try to handle this in regex.
You'll need to fix the formatting on your regex so it displays properly in the browser; we can't read it as is. Edit your question and substitute & # 92; (with no spaces) for all the backslashes.
done, thanks for notice