I am doing the distinct count below in my search
| stats dc(host) AS OnlineCount by Code
| where Code = "Online"
| fields OnlineCount
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| where count=0]
But I also need to add text after the distinct count
So I am doing this after the distinct count but I have nothing
| eval dc = if(dc== 0, "no host", tostring(dc) + " hosts")
could you help me please??
I think you need to put name as "dc" , instead of variable OnlineCount
Also your code contains a NULL problem for "dc", so i've changed the last field to put value only if the dc >0
| eval hosts="myhost"
| eval Code="Online"
| fields hosts,Code
| stats dc(hosts) AS dc by Code
| where Code = "Online"
| fields dc
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| where count=0]
| eval dc = if(dc> 0, tostring(dc) + " hosts","no host")
I think you need to put name as "dc" , instead of variable OnlineCount
Also your code contains a NULL problem for "dc", so i've changed the last field to put value only if the dc >0
| eval hosts="myhost"
| eval Code="Online"
| fields hosts,Code
| stats dc(hosts) AS dc by Code
| where Code = "Online"
| fields dc
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| where count=0]
| eval dc = if(dc> 0, tostring(dc) + " hosts","no host")
Also thanks to you but I can accept only one answer...
There is no field named dc which you are executing your eval on, try this:
| stats dc(host) AS OnlineCount by info| eval OnlineCount = if(OnlineCount == 0, "no host", tostring(OnlineCount) + " hosts")
| fields OnlineCount
thanks a lot
ok thanks!
I forgotten "as onlinecount"......