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customizing colors of charts


Is there any way that I can customize the color of column or bar chart? since I wanted to represent green, yellow and red for running, idle and stop. thanks!

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1 Solution


@mdmaala running, idle and stop are the columns in your table you can use charting.fieldColors chart configuration. Refer to one of my older answers.


You can also refer to Splunk documentation for details on Chart configuration reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Viz/ChartConfigurationReference

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@mdmaala running, idle and stop are the columns in your table you can use charting.fieldColors chart configuration. Refer to one of my older answers.


You can also refer to Splunk documentation for details on Chart configuration reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Viz/ChartConfigurationReference

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Thank you so much!

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