Hi Splunkers,
some examples from our logs..
[Time:11:03:01] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
[Time:11:03:10] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
[Time:11:03:15] [Function:upload] [User:ccc]
[Time:11:05:30] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
my search
| bin _time span=1m
| dedup _time
I want to count the events per 1min. or let's say deduplicate if other events are in 1 minute but only for same users.
and expect the result like this that user "CCC" don't filtered.
[Time:11:03:01] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
[Time:11:03:30] [Function:upload] [User:ccc]
[Time:11:05:10] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
But my search filtered also other user's events and the result is like that.
[Time:11:03:01] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
[Time:11:05:30] [Function:upload] [User:aaa]
This is only example logs that means users are not only two but over hunderes.
Can somebody help me how should i search?
The use of bin and dedup together means only one event in each minute will be returned. That's not going to give the desired results. Try stats, instead.
your search
| stats count by _time
That will give the number of events for each minute. To get the number of distinct users for each minute, try
your search
| stats dc(user) as users by _time