Splunk queries not returning anything in table. I see events matching for these queries but nothing under 'Statistics' section.
index=address-validation RESP_MARKER | rex field=log "\"operationPath\"\:\"(?<path>\w+).*\"operationType\"\:\"(?<type>\w+).*\"region\"\:\"(?<reg>\w+).*" | table path, type, reg
index=club-finder RESP_MARKER | rex field=log "\"operationPath\"\:\"\/(?<path>\w+).*\"operationType\"\:\"(?<type>\w+).*\"region\"\:\"(?<reg>\w+).*\"totalTime\"\:(?<timeTaken>\w+)" | table type, path, timeTaken, reg
The queries do not contain statistics-generating commands (stats, timechart, etc.) so there is nothing for the Statistics tab to show.
i dont see the stats coming here with stats command as well
index=address-validation RESP_MARKER | rex field=log "\"operationPath\"\:\"(?<path>\w+).*\"operationType\"\:\"(?<type>\w+).*\"region\"\:\"(?<reg>\w+).*" | stats count by path, type, reg
Make sure the path, type, and reg fields are not null. The stats command will not return results for null groupBy fields.