Hi Splunk Community,
I am working on a regex to filter the sources I am getting from logs. I am trying to drop everything after the last "/" in the field but I am having problems filtering.
My current sources look something like: /db2audit/fs01/db2inst1/extract/abc123/file.del
I am trying to filter it to look like: /db2audit/fs01/db2inst1/extract/abc123
Thanks in advance!
Try this command.
| rex mode=sed field=foo "s/(.*)\/.*?$/\1/"
Hi @jpfrancetic,
if the first part is fixed in the first four folders, you could extract something like this:
| rex field=source "^(?<path>(\/\w+){4}).*(?<filename>\/\w+\.\w+$)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/j7XgJ5/1
Try this command.
| rex mode=sed field=foo "s/(.*)\/.*?$/\1/"
Hi @jpfrancetic,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
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