I am trying to extract only the top values from fields such as argument, uri, and method for the WAF log.
Currently, it is configured using a join statement, but the search speed is very slow,
so I am looking for another method.
Please give me a hint on the searchstatement that can retrieve the top values in each field at once.
Hi @same ,
as @bowesmana said, use stats to join the two searches.
join is a very slow command that is used mainly by people that come from databases, but Splunk isn't a database, it's a search engine, so the logic is completely different.
You have to create a stats command correlating the data from the two Data Sources using the "BY correlation_key" clause and visualizing the fields you need using the options for stats.
Hi @same ,
as @bowesmana said, use stats to join the two searches.
join is a very slow command that is used mainly by people that come from databases, but Splunk isn't a database, it's a search engine, so the logic is completely different.
You have to create a stats command correlating the data from the two Data Sources using the "BY correlation_key" clause and visualizing the fields you need using the options for stats.
Use stats instead of join or top, e.g.
| top argument uri method
Please provide an example of what you've got so far, so we can help optimise