Splunk Search

Using Time Range with Bin

Path Finder

I'm trying to detect when a user fails GT 5 times in time range of one hour for last 24h, and i have the splq below, but i would like to have an opinion from community if any other option is to use splq logic to do the same?


| bin _time span=24h
| stats list(status) as Attempts, count(eval(match(status,"failure"))) as Failed, count(eval(match(status,"success"))) as Success by _time user
| eval "Time Range"= strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval "Time Range"= 'Time Range'.strftime(_time+3600,"- %H:%M")
| where Failed > 5


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1 Solution



you could find quite many examples for this with query 


just copy paste this to google. 

In your example there is at least one misunderstanding. You have add “bin _time span=24h”, later you are expecting that your _time is divided into 1 hour span. But just google those examples and then change your query or just create a new.

With splunk there is rarely only one correct solution!

Happy splunking!

View solution in original post


Hi @CyberWolf,

There's a tendency among practitioners to bin time into buckets rounded to the nearest time interval, e.g. 1 hour: 00:00, 01:00, 02:00, etc.; however, this results in counting errors. Instead, count using a rolling window in ascending _time order:


index=VPN_Something status=failure
| stats count by _time user
| streamstats time_window=1h sum(count) as failure_count by user
| where failure_count>5


Since you're only interested in a 1-hour window, your search time range only needs span the last hour plus any allowance for ingest lag and a buffer to accommodate your scheduling interval.

See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Streamstats for information on scaling streamstats.

If you're using accelerated data models or indexed fields or if your raw events are structured in key-value pairs separated by minor breakers, you can use tstats to greatly improve the performance of the search.

If you have the capacity, you might also consider a real-time search that counts events as they're indexed, although the results may be incorrect relative to your requirements. If you have Splunk Enterprise Security, look at the "Access - Excessive Failed Logins - Rule" correlation search. For reference, it's a real-time search scheduled every 5 minutes (*/5 * * * *), with earliest=rt-65m@m and latest=rt-5m@m:


| from datamodel:"Authentication"."Failed_Authentication" | stats values("tag") as "tag",dc("user") as "user_count",dc("dest") as "dest_count",count by "app","src" | where 'count'>=6


In the Authentication data model, app would be something like vpn, and src would be a device identifier.

As @isoutamo wrote, there are many approximate solutions to this problem. The correct solution depends on your requirements and your tolerance for counting errors.

0 Karma



you could find quite many examples for this with query 


just copy paste this to google. 

In your example there is at least one misunderstanding. You have add “bin _time span=24h”, later you are expecting that your _time is divided into 1 hour span. But just google those examples and then change your query or just create a new.

With splunk there is rarely only one correct solution!

Happy splunking!

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