i tried all splunk answers and doesn't seems like working for me.
i have this
search | rex mode=sed field=message.UA "s/%2f///g" | table message.UA
sample message.UA
i got this error after ran the search above.
Error in 'rex' command: Failed to initialize sed. Invalid option string: /g
I tried urldecode function, doesn't work, and also tried almost every solutions from splunk answer, i just could not decode the encoded UA field. please help.
How about eval's urldecode?
| eval decoded=urldecode(yourEncodedField)
| eval decoded=urldecode("yourEncodedString")
I used your example, and it worked for me. Did you try this way?
| makeresults
| eval ua = "Mozilla%2f5.0%20(X11%3b%20Linux%20x86_64)%20AppleWebKit%2f537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2f70.0.3538.77%20Safari%2f537.36"
| eval uadecoded = urldecode(ua)
@yonphang ,
|rex mode=sed field=url "s/%2f/\//g"
yes that was intentional, i want to find %2f and replace into /
Ok updated the answer