I would like to create a timechart that shows the running total revenues for each product.
First I've created a search for the overall running totals:
my search | bucket _time span=1d | stats sum(price) AS Revenues by _time | accum Revenues AS Total_Revenues | timechart last(Total_Revenues) span=1d
This seems to work fine. But now i don't know how to tell Splunk to do this for every product. The accum command does not allow a 'by product' argument.
Can someone help me with this search?
Try this
yours earch | bucket _time span=1d | stats sum(price) AS Revenues by product,_time | streamstats sum(Revenues) as Total_Revenues by product| timechart span=1d last(Total_Revenues) by product
Try this: This doesn't completely overcome the issue (as it will still show emtpy cell if, in your example, Day 1 or Day4 has no product. but anything in between it will fill in.
your search| bucket _time span=1d | stats sum(duration) AS Revenues by product,_time | makecontinuous _time span=1d | eval joinfield=1 | join max=0 joinfield [search you search | stats count by product | fields - count | eval joinfield=1] | fillnull | streamstats sum(Revenues) as Total_Revenues by product | timechart span=1d last(Total_Revenues) by product
This shows the overall revenues in every product column. I will use the first version. Thanks!
Try this
yours earch | bucket _time span=1d | stats sum(price) AS Revenues by product,_time | streamstats sum(Revenues) as Total_Revenues by product| timechart span=1d last(Total_Revenues) by product
thanks this works so far. At the moment there are some empty cells in the timechart, when there haven't been any revenues for a product on a specific day. So the accumulated values look like this at the moment:
Day 1 10$
Day 2 20$
Day 3
Day 4 30$
Better would be:
Day 1 10$
Day 2 20$
Day 3 20$
Day 4 30$
Do you have an idea?
| fillnull comand will add nulls for missing values.