As per;
It is automatically limited to 10000 if you don't specify. If you do;
| sort 0 field
then it will return all results.
As per;
It is automatically limited to 10000 if you don't specify. If you do;
| sort 0 field
then it will return all results.
thanks, work fine now..
I downvoted this post because this should be a comment not an answer.
Hi ElijiahLynn
Downvoting users should be reserved for suggestions that could be potentially harmful to someone's Splunk environment. Also, giving a reason as "answer should have been a comment" is unnecessary, and this is not how Splunk community etiquette works in this forum. The downvote form is supposed to be used to help educate the community to learn and improve based on the context provided.
Some of the most active members in Answers have helped set the standard of how voting etiquette should work in the Splunk community which distinguishes our culture apart from other Q&A forums. Upvote early and often to give credit where it’s due for high-quality posts, comment where you think feedback needs to be given, and only downvote if something potentially dangerous is suggested. If you’re interested in seeing how this voting etiquette was developed, check out this Splunk Answers post:
Okay, good to know. I was following Stack Overflow guidelines because this site is a Stack Overflow clone. This community will probably get more comments like mine because that is the guidance Stack Overflow gives for downvoting things, as long as it keeps a Stack Overflow/Exchange like appearance, undistinguished.
I will adopt to your suggestons as a member of this community, thanks for the heads up.
Hi @ElijahLynn
Thanks for understanding and being receptive to adjusting to this Splunk community forum and culture. I also appreciate that you were just trying to correct where users should be posting certain responses. We hear from users in the community very often that they appreciate feeling like they can contribute here without the fear of being shunned so quickly by others like they experience in other forums. So, we just want to maintain that positive and constructive environment.
I appreciate your note about the similar look/feel of Stack Overflow/Exchange warranting similar guidance. Will definitely consider that for the future.
Thanks for contributing your knowledge here with the Splunk Community!