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Splunk with MQ Series



As said in Splunk's Application Management Solutions page, IBM MQ Series belongs to typical data sources. But I do not succeed to find how to catch MQ Series data and how use them next.
Does someone could help me to understand how to work with MQ Series data ?




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New Member

It's possible to feed all IBM MQ Status, Statistics, Events and usage data into SPLUNK using a tool called Lamaxu, www.queuemetrix.com/2015/12/21/how-to-integrate-lamaxu-with-splunk/

Lamaxu supports queue managers deployed to all platforms, including AIX, Linux, iSeries, Windows and ZOS etc, as well as MQ message volume statistics and dataset usage from Mainframe ZOS managers.

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Ultra Champion

You could use this new modular input , available from Splunkbase :


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@vherilier, IBM MQ use Java Message Service (JMS), so you would be able to use JMX for Splunk to pull mbean metrics and stats. Have your MQ log data sent directly to splunk. How you index parses your data is done case by case. For working or learning about MQ data you probably refer to IBM MQ forum.

Quote from IMB Website: "In addition to this de facto standard interface, WebSphere MQ also fully implements the industry standard Java Message Service (JMS) interface, including support for publish and subscribe messaging."

Ultra Champion

Just to add :

Splunk for JMX will work for monitoring Websphere MQ Queues/Queue Managers via the exposed MBeans.

If you want to monitor the actual messages coming off MQ queues and topics , then currently you'd have to script a custom input.This might use JMS or Native MQ (MQI).

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