Splunk Search

Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure: Receiving different results from directories

New Member


For some reason when running one of the preset Active Directory searches like 'Group Changes' for instance I do not seem to get results but when I run the same thing under the report "Active Directory Update Group Lookup" I seem to get results that I could not find using the Active Directory search.

I've accompanied screenshots of what I am facing:
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This is what I am getting when using the Active Directory Search. Note the "Previous business week" Search scope (on the rightmost part)

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This is running the same kind of lookup using the Core Views report named "Active Directory: Update Group Lookup" (performing the same Search scope of 'Previous business week'

Shouldn't I get the same results in both of them? The reason why I want to see it in the first search is that I want to see the changes (the accounts added/removed) instead of it just telling me what groups had a change with no further details in the second search.

If anyone has any insight why the 'Group Changes' search does not work or produce the results I want

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New Member

I believe each of those panels will allow you to look at the full Search string. I would start there and see what the differences are between the two searches, it may just be a simple update to a field on the first panel.

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New Member

Hi Nahra,

I went ahead and did what you suggested, so for the the one that is working you can see it in the screenshot:

The search commands for the two panels in the 'Group Changes' AD search are very different from the report version I think this is because there is much more detail in terms of what members were added/removed:

eventtype=msad-group-changes (host="") user_group="" MSADGroupType="" MSADGroupClass=""|eval adminuser=src_nt_domain."\".src_user|search adminuser="*"|table _time,adminuser,msad_action,MSADGroupClass,MSADGroupType,src_nt_domain,user_group|rename adminuser as "Administrator",msad_action as "Action",user_group as "Group", MSADGroupClass as "Type", MSADGroupType as "Scope",src_nt_domain as "Domain"

This one is for the "Group Changes" panel

eventtype=msad-groupmembership-changes (host="") user_group="" MSADGroupType="" MSADGroupClass="" member="" | eval adminuser=src_nt_domain."\".src_user | search adminuser="" | table _time,adminuser,MSADGroupClass,MSADGroupType,src_nt_domain,user_group,msad_action,member | rename adminuser as "Administrator",MSADGroupClass as "Type",MSADGroupType as "Scope",src_nt_domain as "Domain",user_group as "Group",msad_action as "Action",member as "Member"

This one is for the "Membership Changes" panel

I also looked up the eventtype=msad-groupmembership-changes and eventtype=msad-group-changes and confirmed those event types do exist as well. I performed searches based on those event IDs too and was able to pull data.

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