I have a GUID field in my logs, and the guid is unique for a specific location. I wanted to query for all events that happen at a specific location so I have to look up the guid value for the location and then search for the guid. Is it possible to use the friendly name for the location to search by instead?
Greetings Riley,
1,Location 1
2,Location 2
3,Location 3
4,Location 4
5,Location 5
6,Location 6
7,Location 7
8,Location 8
9,Location 9
10,Location 10
| makeresults count=10
| eval GUID=random()%10
| lookup GUIDs.csv GUID as GUID
| search Description IN ("Location 1", "Location 2", "Location 3")
If anyone in the future finds this post useful, please refer to this link https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Lookup
Thanks, worked like a champ!
You're welcome!
Greetings Riley,
1,Location 1
2,Location 2
3,Location 3
4,Location 4
5,Location 5
6,Location 6
7,Location 7
8,Location 8
9,Location 9
10,Location 10
| makeresults count=10
| eval GUID=random()%10
| lookup GUIDs.csv GUID as GUID
| search Description IN ("Location 1", "Location 2", "Location 3")
If anyone in the future finds this post useful, please refer to this link https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Lookup