Splunk Search

Search with input lookup

Path Finder

Hi Team,

Need Help on run search checking server live or not using lookup

box_env box_live_state box_location box_model box_os box_patch box_rack box_rfb box_ver host
QA NOTLIVE ABC-DE HPXYZQ RHAS 1234 324 lxmcp 6.9 hostny01

| inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01

I want to show process which down only for LIVE servers. Is there a way to use abv lookup to search only Live servers.

index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance= apphome =** | search down | stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon**


Tags (1)
0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

If the lookup has a list of servers to search, then like this, with a subsearch:

index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1"
[ | inputlookup boxdata | search box_live_state="LIVE" | fields host ]
| stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon

Or, if you have a HYUGE number of servers in the file, like this:

index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1"
| lookup boxdata host | search box_live_state="LIVE"
| stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon
0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi Wood,

Thanks for responding..

Is the anyway to show lookup table columns
index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=** apphome =** [ | inputlookup boxdata | search box_live_state=NOTLIVE | fields host ]
| stats latest(state) as status by host, apphome, instance, appmon

| inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01

box_env box_live_state box_location box_model box_os box_patch box_rack box_rfb box_ver host
QA NOTLIVE ABC-DE HPXYZQ RHAS 1234 324 lxmcp 6.9 hostny01


0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

You have merely restated your original question with no additional detail or clarity. have you even tried my answers? If they do not work, explain why.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi Wood,

Answer 2 - Incorrect syntax
index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=* apphome =* | search down | inputlookup boxdata host | search box_live_state="LIVE" | stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon

Error in 'inputlookup' command: Invalid argument: 'host'

I tried your answers as shown below. But what i want is how to show box_live_state column in the output

index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=* apphome =* | search down [ | inputlookup boxdata | search box_live_state=NOTLIVE | fields host | table box_live_state ]
| stats latest(state) as status by host, apphome, instance, appmon

| inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01

box_env box_live_state box_location box_model box_os box_patch box_rack box_rfb box_ver host
QA NOTLIVE ABC-DE HPXYZQ RHAS 1234 324 lxmcp 6.9 hostny01


0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Just cut-and-paste it. You changed my |lookup boxdata host to |inputlookup boxdata host which, as Splunk says, is incorrect.

0 Karma


Hi harsush,
Let me understand better:
you want to find if a server that you have in a lookup is up or down, correct?

if this is your need, try something like this:

| eval host=upper(host)
| stats count by host
| append [ | inputlookup your_lookup.csv | eval count=0, host=upper(host) | fields host ]
| stats sum(count) AS Total by host

if Total=0 host isn't sending logs, if Total>0 host is sending logs.
You can also filter the host list in you lookup.

Using this search you can create an alert or put results in a dashboard showing status also in graphic mode.


Path Finder

Hi Cusello,

Thanks for responding..

Iam bad in explaining 🙂 .. sorry for the confusion .. I hope this time its clear what iam expecting

Below Search1 will gives me process which are down on diff hosts.. But what i want is to filter out Hosts which are not live ( | inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01 )
index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=* apphome =* | search down | stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon

How can i check filter hosts which are not live after getting output from abv search ?

| inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01

box_env box_live_state box_location box_model box_os box_patch box_rack box_rfb box_ver host
QA NOTLIVE ABC-DE HPXYZQ RHAS 1234 324 lxmcp 6.9 hostny01

0 Karma


Ok try something like this:

 index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=* apphome =* [ | inputlookup boxdata | search box_live_state=LIVE | fields host  ]
| stats latest(state) by host, apphome, instance, appmon

beware to the case of host in search and subsearch: if you're not sure of upper or lower case, you have to transform hosts both in search and subsearch.


0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi Cusello,

Thanks for responding..

Is the anyway to show lookup table columns
index=ab* host=pr host!=old source=processMonitor* appmon="1" instance=** apphome =** [ | inputlookup boxdata | search box_live_state=NOTLIVE | fields host ]
| stats latest(state) as status by host, apphome, instance, appmon

| inputlookup boxdata | search host=hostny01

box_env box_live_state box_location box_model box_os box_patch box_rack box_rfb box_ver host
QA NOTLIVE ABC-DE HPXYZQ RHAS 1234 324 lxmcp 6.9 hostny01


0 Karma
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