Splunk Search

Search hosts, Windows updates


Hello! I am new in Splunk Search.  

I am using this query to find all hosts to which a specific update was installed:

source="WinEventLog:System" | search "KB4579311" | stats last(Keywords) as lastStatus by _time, host | search lastStatus="Installation, Failure”

But I need a query to find all hosts and create a table with hosts to which this update wasn't installed. It turns out that I need to display all hosts that were not found in the request above. Need help with it. Thank you!

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Finding something that is not there is not Splunk's strong suit.  See this blog entry for a good write-up on it.


If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


Thank you for your answer!

If think logically, then I need to display hosts in the logs of which a certain number of updates is NOT found, which I indicate in the search. For example:

source="WinEventLog:System" EventCode=19 | stats by host |where NOT like(Message, " Update_Number"). But this search shows all events without this string(update number) but I need only a list of hosts. 




0 Karma

I think this should work
- get list of all your wndows hosts to lookup (e.g. once a week)
- query hosts which have this fix applied
- use previous lookup within above query to get list of nodes which haven’t this fix installed.
There is quite many examples how this could do.
r. Ismo
0 Karma



Sounds great. I will try it now. 

Can you give me an example too or a URL to documentation? It would be cool if I had a fewexamples

0 Karma

0 Karma


I tried this way but I didn't receive any result. I am a newbie in Splunk 😞 

What do you think about this way?:

I can search all events with a successful update using regex search 

source="WinEventLog:System" | regex Message = "KB5555555" and for example i receive a few events from two hosts. First question: How I can create a table with a list of these hosts?

As I guess, then I can't use a search like "source="WinEventLog:System" | regex not Message = "KB5555555"" to find all hosts without this update because this search won't show any events.  

I'm stumped 😞 

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