This may help.
... | rex "en,(?<country>\w+)"
actually in the data it isn't necessary for the country to be preceded by 'en' which is why I was facing issues.
Is there any way to look for strings like ",us," or ",jp,"? Regex or rex expression for looking in _raw?
If the sample data above is accurate then this should work:
... | rex ",(?<lang>\w+),(?<country>\w+)"
If you provide full sample raw data then community member will able to help on regex side.
Sorry for the vague description of data but actually this data cannot be exposed.
They are mainly comma separated values in the middle of which we have language code,country code.
They are somewhere in the middle of _raw.
Ex: 324724588,nhiden-niuen-jkjl,en,us,6484-47934......,...