My search starts with this:
tag=kpi earliest=1521504000 latest=1521849600 | table _time enterprise_id facility_id shop_id
(there is more after)
If I run this search inside classic Search, I get results as excepted.
But if I run search with exactly the same query in javascript with
service.oneshotSearch(query, { "output_mode": "JSON" }, function(err, data) { ... }
I will receive following error message:
common.js:428 [SPLUNKD] Search Factory: Unknown search command 'tag'.
Are there some kind of limitation for oneshot search that doesn't allow using tags or do I need to pass any other config to oneshot search in order to make it work with tag
in query?
You need to prepend search
to your search.
search tag=kpi earliest=1521504000 latest=1521849600 | table _time enterprise_id facility_id shop_id
You need to prepend search
to your search.
search tag=kpi earliest=1521504000 latest=1521849600 | table _time enterprise_id facility_id shop_id
Thanks! Just found out that like seconds ago by searching in another project. Search was really missing and now it works.
Glad to help you @seva98 .
Can you please accept this answer to close this question?