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Rename Field created with Interactive Field Extractor


How does one rename a field created with the Interactive Field Extractor?


If you used the IFX the extraction is likley inline and should be easy to edit via the UI. Got to Manager > Fields > Field extractions and click on the name of the field extraction you created in the IFX. In the Extract/Transform field hunt down the field name (it will look similar to this: (?P ). Just replace the fieldname with your desired name, and then click Save.

Alternatively, you can edit the appropriate EXTRACT line in the appropriate props.conf configuration file in $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/yourapp/local/props.conf.


What error did you get in the Manager? Did a new props.conf appear after you renamed the original?

0 Karma


Spoke too soon. I had tried renaming the field in props.conf. After your answer I renamed it back to the original name and then tried to delete the field using Manager > Fields > Field extractions but kept getting an error. So I renamed props.conf to xprops.conf hoping to get rid of it that way. However when I run a search I still see the original field name and my attempted renaming of it in the list of fields.

0 Karma


Ah, that was it. Thanks. I hadn't even noticed the app context.

0 Karma


In Manager > Fields > Filed extractions make sure you select the correct app context from the drop down at the top (or just select all). You should be able to find it then.

0 Karma


No fields appear in Manager > Fields > Field extractions

The only props.conf that contained the field name in question was in:

I had tried renaming the props.conf file thinking that I could then recreate the field spelled correctly, but it seemed to have no effect. I can still find no way to either delete the field so that it can be recreated, or to edit its contents unless I modify the generated regular expression manually.

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