I would like to remove multiple values from a multi-value field.
field_multivalue = pink,fluffy,unicorns
Remove pink and fluffy so that:
field_multivalue = unicorns
I am thinking maybe:
| stats values(field1) AS field_multivalue by field2 | mvfilter
| stats values(field1) AS field_multivalue by field2 | mvexpand field_multivalue | search field_multivalue!="pink" field_multivalue!="fluffy" | mvcombine field_multivalue
How would you recommend doing this? The list of values to filter out is over a dozen.
I would use mvfilter, specially in the cases where patterns to be filtered is small and entities in mv field is high. Like this
| gentimes start=-1 | eval field1="pink,fluffy,unicorns" | table field1 | makemv field1 delim="," | eval field1_filtered=mvfilter(NOT match(field1,"pink") AND NOT match(field1,"fluffy"))
I would use mvfilter, specially in the cases where patterns to be filtered is small and entities in mv field is high. Like this
| gentimes start=-1 | eval field1="pink,fluffy,unicorns" | table field1 | makemv field1 delim="," | eval field1_filtered=mvfilter(NOT match(field1,"pink") AND NOT match(field1,"fluffy"))