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Regex to extract exceptionmessage



I have five different types of exceptions and for that messages are logged as shown below :

ClientIp=065162175003 : - caught
com.wu.ws.WUWSException: WS000:WUWSException occured while executing the web service
at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor721

ClientIp=065162175003 : - caught
com.wu.ws.WUWSException: WS000:WUWSException occured while executing the web service

ClientIp=065162175003 : - Exception while getting fileApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties ResourceHandler:getConfirationProperties()
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /apps/mobiliser5.1.0/02/money/conf/ApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties (No such file or directory)
ClientIp=220227031066 : - caught
com.wu.ws.UserIDNotFoundException: W0334:The User Name you entered is incorrect. Please try again.

ClientIp=065162175003 : - caught
com.wu.ws.WUWSException: WS000:WUWSException occured while executing the web service

ClientIp=220227031066 : - caught
com.sybase365.mobiliser.custom.project.businesslogic.exceptions.WuCustomerLoginException: Failed to login through xx.com by identification: test@MAIINATOR.COM

Here i need extract the exception message alone in regex[ keeping ClientIp= as the front reference and at as the end reference- need to extract text between of that] using regex

Please let me know the regex query for the same

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0 Karma


Try this:

rex "(?P<exception_msg>ClientIp=\d{12} : - Exception [^\n]+? at)\n"

I've made a couple of assumptions:

  1. ClientIp= is always followed by exactly 12 digits
  2. That immediately after the ending "at" there is a new line
  3. You want to include both the strings "ClientIp" and "at" in your extraction

Hope this helps

0 Karma


Thanks for the update. With few modiifcations im able to fetch half of the message using below regex

| rex field=_raw "ClientIp=\d{12} : - (?(.)+[\n at])"

But above one is skipping message which is at next line.

Any idea how to fetch text at next line?

For ex:

In below log:

ClientIp=065162175003 : - Exception while getting fileApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /apps/mobiliser5.1.0/02/money/conf/ApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties (No such file or directory)

With my above expression im able to get below text alone :

Exception while getting fileApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties

But next line starting with ResourceHandler..... and java.io. is not extracted.

Please help to extract the same>?

0 Karma


It's not clear exactly what text you're trying to extract. Please tell what your expected output is.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


I need to extract message like [for ex: Exception while getting fileApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties ResourceHandler:getConfirationProperties()
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /apps/mobiliser5.1.0/02/money/conf/ApolloWhitelistedCredentials.properties (No such file or directory] from above logs.
Similar to above text, from above logs text which starts next to : - and ends at [at]

0 Karma
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