I'm looking to obscure data by randomizing text. Does anyone have a simple way to do this against a field in Splunk? Let's assume that I'm doing this to export the data sample. I could eliminate the field altogether, but would like a randomized placeholder, vs just using eval of a fixed value or using random() which is numeric.
Similar to @woodcock's answer, Splunk 8.1 adds the mvmap function to iterate over multi-valued field values. This makes it easy to replace characters in a string:
| makeresults
| eval value="randomize this"
| eval mask=" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
| eval random_value=mvjoin(mvmap(split(value, ""), substr(mask, random()%len(mask), 1)), "")
The replace function and rex command can also be used to mask values, but the replacement value is only evaluated once:
| makeresults
| eval value="randomize this"
| eval masked_value=replace(value, ".", "*")
| makeresults
| eval value="randomize this"
| rex field=value mode=sed "s/./*/g"
Hash functions, lookup tables, and other methods are also useful, depending on why you want to randomize, mask, or deidentify your data.
Another way of generating a random string would be to combine a few evals containing data and then concatenate random substrings of those evals. As an example, this will create a random 8 character alpha-numeric string with special characters.
| makeresults
| eval
,RandomString=substr(rand_upper, (random() % len_upper), 1).substr(rand_lower, (random() % len_lower), 1).substr(rand_lower, (random() % len_lower), 1).substr(rand_special, (random() % len_special), 1).substr(rand_lower, (random() % len_lower), 1).substr(rand_number, (random() % len_number), 1).substr(rand_upper, (random() % len_upper), 1).substr(rand_lower, (random() % len_lower), 1)
| fields - rand_* len_*
How about this (go get 50 sample events randomly)
your base search | streamstats count as sno | where sno%50=0 | table whateverfield
Does it have to be random?
Start with this:
| eval fieldToObscure="This is organized text of length=35"
| eval len=len(fieldToObscure)
Then try this:
| eval base_string="12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
| eval fieldToObscure=substr(base_string, 0, len)
Non-random, but probably seems enough like it to work:
| eval fieldToObscure=substr(md5(fieldToObscure), 0, len)