Really stumped on this. We would like to count the number of instances of each process run on a server, and present the sum of RAM and CPU usage for all those instances of the process.
Here is an example, from the server side, of all the instances of a single app being run, that we would like to aggregate:
22661 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 441M sleep 0:03 0.00% cache
22664 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22669 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22667 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22665 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22670 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22668 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22666 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22953 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 444M sleep 0:03 0.00% cache
23053 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 444M sleep 0:06 0.00% cache
23052 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 444M sleep 0:02 0.00% cache
24543 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 444M sleep 0:03 0.00% cache
22941 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22945 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22944 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22943 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22946 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22942 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22947 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22940 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22948 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22939 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:06 0.00% cache
22938 cacheuse 1 59 0 452M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22671 cacheuse 1 59 0 451M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22663 cacheuse 1 59 0 451M 440M sleep 0:13 0.00% cache
22662 cacheuse 1 59 0 451M 440M sleep 0:00 0.00% cache
22649 cacheuse 1 59 0 444M 440M sleep 0:33 0.00% cache
22932 cacheuse 1 59 0 443M 440M sleep 0:05 0.00% cache
5863 root 17 59 0 185M 163M sleep 139:37 0.00% sstored
4570 splunk 43 59 0 177M 130M sleep 15:16 0.00% splunkd
As you can see, there are 28 instances of the cache program. We would like to roll all of that up into something like this:
Program | # instances | total RAM | total CPU |
cache | 28 | 12GB | 0.00% |
splunkd | 1 | 177M | 0.01% |
sstored | 1 | 185M | 0.0.1% |
For the top sourcetype, the VIRT sourcetype counts RAM in kilobytes. If VIRT's integer value is greater than 1024, we want the integer multiplied by 1024 and suffixed with the letter "M" for megabytes; and if the integer is greater than 1048576, we want that integer multiplied by 1048576 and suffixed with the letter "G" for gigabytes.
Here is what we've come up with so far, but it's nowhere near what we need:
index=xxxx sourcetype=top host=xxxx COMMAND!="<n/a>"
| rename COMMAND as Program, pctCPU as "% CPU", USER as User
| regex "% CPU"="(\d+)"
| convert rmunit(VIRT)
| eval inMB=if(VIRT>=1024,1,0), VIRT=floor(if(inMB=1,VIRT/1024,VIRT*1))
| chart sum(VIRT) by Program
Thank you in advance!