Need a query to find list of servers reporting to splunk, and send that output to a lookupfile.
If it is the hosts(sources) sending data to your Splunk instance that you are interested in, this might work for you:
|metadata type=hosts | fields host, firstTime, lastTime, totalCount | eval firstTime=strftime(firstTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval lastTime=strftime(lastTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | sort -totalCount | outputlookup meta_data_hosts.csv
If it is the hosts(sources) sending data to your Splunk instance that you are interested in, this might work for you:
|metadata type=hosts | fields host, firstTime, lastTime, totalCount | eval firstTime=strftime(firstTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval lastTime=strftime(lastTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | sort -totalCount | outputlookup meta_data_hosts.csv
Above Query working fine , but in few results i found reporting date's as 2013/14 year ... Is it problem from splunk server OR clients end ..?
Have a look at the outputlookup search command :
When you say servers reporting to Splunk , do you mean a list of Splunk components(forwarders, indexers, search heads etc..) or do you mean the hostname/IP from all sources of data that is indexed in Splunk ?
In this case it is forwarders reporting to splunk