I was hoping that someone could help me out with a query. I am trying to correlate a DNS request to the firewall IP that was being forward. The firewall shows only the IP related to a rule that fired and I am trying to create a query that will capture the domain name query (DNS) that was associated with the rule(FIREWALL).
I have sourcetype=named query from IP: Port:3391 Name: Paimia.com Destination:
sourectype=snort_alerts Blackhole_toolkit
I want to build a guery which will show all events from the souretype=snort Blackhole_tookit rule and destination IPs in common with destination IPs in the sourcetype=named.
with your less information ,i built below query... here its give output from both sourcetypes and common ip.
sourcetype=snort_alerts "Blackhole_toolkit" |join ip [search sourcetype=named]
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Thanks for Your help. It was spot on.
without posting any sample events, it's going to be hard for anybody to help you.