I saw this command and tried to imitate it
sourcetype="wind" | eval intscale="SCALE"+tostring(floor(scale/10)*10) | chart count over month by intscale | sort by month
What is wrong with my command ? Anybody can guide me ? I would like to show temperature(Y-axis) on monthly (X-axis).
sourcetype="CurrentWeatherSG" | chart count over hour by mean(current_temperature)
I only tried this sourcetype="CurrentWeatherSG" | chart max(current_temperature) as Max, min(current_temperature) as Min over _time but the _time is all ... ... ... I wanted to show the numbers on X-axis.
Charting over time usually calls for a timechart, something like this:
... | timechart span=1mon max(current_temperature) as Max, min(current_temperature) as Min
Charting over time usually calls for a timechart, something like this:
... | timechart span=1mon max(current_temperature) as Max, min(current_temperature) as Min