Hi all
I want to create a new AWS monitoring alert.
For the first step I checked the AWS fields and I saw that I need to parse the "principalId" field from the "_raw". (I want to create the rule based on principalID"
Part of the raw:
{\"type\": \"Root\", \"principalId\": \"444444444444\", \"arn\"
Im running this query:
"search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-1d | rex field=_raw principalId\W\W:\s\W\W(?P<principalId>\d*)"
and getting results but without the "prinicpialId" new field.
What am I missing in the query?
Have you looked at the data in the splunk GUI? Are there really backslashes before the double quotes in the data?
Try this:
"search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-1d | rex field=_raw principalId\\W+:\\s\\W+(?P<principalId>\\d*)"
this it the raw data:
"_raw": "{\"eventVersion\": \"1.05\", \"userIdentity\": {\"type\": \"Root\", \"principalId\": \"11111111111\", \"arn\": \"arn:aws:iam::11111111111:root\", \"accountId\": \"11111111111\", \"accessKeyId\": \"\"}, \"eventTime\": \"2020-09-25T17:49:45Z\", \"eventSource\": \"signin.amazonaws.com\", \"eventName\": \"ConsoleLogin\", \"awsRegion\": \"us-east-1\", \"sourceIPAddress\": \"xxxxxxxxx\", \"userAgent\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Your second screenshot doesn't have any \ before the " although your test data (first screenshot) does. What is actually in your data? You could try
search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-1d | rex field=_raw principalId\W+:\s\W+(?P<principalId>\d*)
Getting this error:
You are using curl and ReST API? Try escaping the backslashes
"search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-1d | rex field=_raw principalId\\W\\W:\\s\\W\\W(?P<principalId>\\d*)"
The query should enter retro active on old events also? or should I wait for new ones?
Yes.. its API .
This query working great but im still getting the "principalId" empty
Have you looked at the data in the splunk GUI? Are there really backslashes before the double quotes in the data?
Try this:
"search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-1d | rex field=_raw principalId\\W+:\\s\\W+(?P<principalId>\\d*)"
You're right! My mistake
It working!! Thank you!
Hi @havatz,
Are you sure that in your logs there's the back slash before quotes?
if not, please, try this regex:
| rex "\"principalId\":\s+\"(?<principalId>[^\"]+)\""
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/iS9NFl/1
Otherwise, please try this regex:
| rex "principalId\\\":\s+\\\"(?<principalId>[^\"]+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/iS9NFl/2
curl -k -u "user pass" https://localhost:11111/services/search/jobs?output_mode=json -X POST -d search="search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=ConsoleLogin earliest=-30d | rex field=_raw "principalId\\\":\s+\\\"(?<principalId>[^\"]+)"
{"messages":[{"type":"ERROR","text":"Error in 'SearchParser': Missing a search command before '^'. Error at position '129' of search query 'search index=aws userIdentity.type=Root eventName=...{snipped} {errorcontext = ncipalId>[^\"] )}'.","help":""}]}