Hi guys,
Can you help me ? I need to do a table like this
New date available | Origine date available
25/06/2017 23/05/2017
For moment i don't know why but a can't has it with this request :
index="gta_projets" logs{}.projectId="12903" |fields logs{}.projectId,logs{}.newDateAvailable
|rename logs{}.projectId as "NOVA ID"
|join [|search index="gtav2_projects" |fields projects{}.dateAvailable, projects{}.id |rename projects{}.id as "NOVA ID"]
| table logs{}.newDateAvailable, projects{}.dateAvailable
And i have this:
New date available | Origine date available
25/06/2017 23/05/2017
30/05/2017 23/05/2017
16/05/2017 23/05/2017
Thanks for your answers
Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but you are fetching original date from different index and you want to group by original date ? If that's the case use stats
index="gta_projets" logs{}.projectId="12903" |fields logs{}.projectId,logs{}.newDateAvailable
|rename logs{}.projectId as "NOVA ID"
|join [|search index="gtav2_projects" |fields projects{}.dateAvailable, projects{}.id |rename projects{}.id as "NOVA ID"]
| stats values(logs{}.newDateAvailable) as "New Date Available" by projects{}.dateAvailable
If this not what you want, check output id with the table and verify why you are getting blank values.
Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but you are fetching original date from different index and you want to group by original date ? If that's the case use stats
index="gta_projets" logs{}.projectId="12903" |fields logs{}.projectId,logs{}.newDateAvailable
|rename logs{}.projectId as "NOVA ID"
|join [|search index="gtav2_projects" |fields projects{}.dateAvailable, projects{}.id |rename projects{}.id as "NOVA ID"]
| stats values(logs{}.newDateAvailable) as "New Date Available" by projects{}.dateAvailable
If this not what you want, check output id with the table and verify why you are getting blank values.
Perfect ! thanks very much