I'm kind of new on the Splunk world and I'm trying to create new extraction field.
Here are two examples of my logs.
14394300 SERVER1 02772 SND_OK 0000 NbF=1;TEST2N.02503.02772.SERVER2;
16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 NbF=1;XXXRD.NN0015.67965.SERVER1;
I don't know how to extract the information in bold.
My extract/transform looks like this:
(?P<time>\d+)\s+(?P<sdr>\w*)\s+(?P<seq>[^ ]*)\s+(?P<status>[^ ]+)\s+(?P<errorCode>\d+)\s+(?P<Rtn>.+)
My fields work correctly for my use (and different cases) but now, I'm trying to be more accurate for <Rtn>
<Rtn> now is: NbF=1;XXXRD.NN0015.67965.SERVER1;
What I need is just the NN0015 or 02503.
I tried with "positive lookbehind" or "positive lookahead" without any success.
Is it possible to have some help? Thanks!
This works with the two sample events.
(?P<time>\d+)\s+(?P<sdr>\w*)\s+(?P<seq>[^ ]*)\s+(?P<status>[^ ]+)\s+(?P<errorCode>\d+)\s+(?:NbF=[^\.]+\.(?P<Rtn>[^\.]+)|(?<Rtn2>[^;]+))
Select the Rtn field using coalesce.
... | eval Rtn=coalesce(Rtn, Rtn2)
Lookbehind is not needed. Try this
(?P<time>\d+)\s+(?P<sdr>\w*)\s+(?P<seq>[^ ]*)\s+(?P<status>[^ ]+)\s+(?P<errorCode>\d+)\s+NbF=[^\.]+\.(?P<Rtn>[^\.]+)
It's not working as expected.
It gave me in results: NbF=1;XXXRD.NN0015.67965.SERVER1;
What I need is "NN0015". I will continue to search with your solution, I can maybe do something with it 🙂
Make sure you copied the regex correctly. "NbF" is not part of a capture group so you should not be getting that in a field.
Yes it's working. I had a strange bug, I modified <Rtn> by <alias> and it didn't work. Changed it again by <Rtn> or <Alias> or something else and it works...
So thank you, unfortunately I didn't expect that I could have data with a different format...
It works perfectly with:
16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 NbF=1;XXXRD.NN0015.67965.SERVER1;
but of course not when I have:
16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 X00700086;
I'm trying to create a "or" with a | but I'm still in pain with regex 😄
Which part of "16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 X00700086;" are you trying to extract?
Sometimes, it's easier to use two separate rex commands than to combine regular expressions.
Case 1: 16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 NbF=1;XXXRD.NN0015.67965.SERVER1;
Case 2: 16434800 SERVER6 67965 SND_OK 0000 X00700086;
In both case, what's in bold is my <Rtn>
In case one, your first solution works perfectly but not on the case 2.
This works with the two sample events.
(?P<time>\d+)\s+(?P<sdr>\w*)\s+(?P<seq>[^ ]*)\s+(?P<status>[^ ]+)\s+(?P<errorCode>\d+)\s+(?:NbF=[^\.]+\.(?P<Rtn>[^\.]+)|(?<Rtn2>[^;]+))
Select the Rtn field using coalesce.
... | eval Rtn=coalesce(Rtn, Rtn2)
I didn't know the coalesce command.
Works perfectly now with that. I just had to modify my dashboards.
Thank you very much!