Splunk Search

I need a different way to join two searches


Hi, I know this is a hot topic and there is answers everywhere, but i couldn't figure out by my self what to do.


Suddenly the join stops work and my search is not performing as spect anymore, nobody from infa gave me a reasonable explanation for that, so i have to figure out a different way .


Original Search


index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL  (status=STARTED OR status="NOT RUN")
              | rename status as initialStatus
              | fields jobId initialStatus
              | join type=left jobId [search index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL (status=COMPLETED OR status=FAILED)
              | rename status as finalStatus | fields jobId finalStatus]
              | table jobId initialStatus finalStatus
              | sort -timestamp



Original result



First search with no changes


index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL  (status=STARTED OR status="NOT RUN") | table jobId, status






Second search with no changes


index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL (status=COMPLETED OR status=FAILED) | table jobId, status






thanks a lot

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1 Solution


You don't say what the current results are for the combined query, but perhaps a different approach will work.  The two searches can be combined into a single search.

index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL  (status=STARTED OR status="NOT RUN" OR status=COMPLETED OR status=FAILED)
| eval initialStatus = if(status="STARTED" OR status="NOT RUN", status, null()),
       finalStatus = if (status="COMPLETED" OR status="FAILED", status, null())
| stats values(*) as * by jobId
| table jobId initialStatus finalStatus

This search avoids the limitations of join and only touches the index once.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.

View solution in original post


You don't say what the current results are for the combined query, but perhaps a different approach will work.  The two searches can be combined into a single search.

index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL  (status=STARTED OR status="NOT RUN" OR status=COMPLETED OR status=FAILED)
| eval initialStatus = if(status="STARTED" OR status="NOT RUN", status, null()),
       finalStatus = if (status="COMPLETED" OR status="FAILED", status, null())
| stats values(*) as * by jobId
| table jobId initialStatus finalStatus

This search avoids the limitations of join and only touches the index once.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


Try to avoid using join - subsearches are limited

index=aws-prd-01 application.name=domestic-batch context=BATCH action=SEND_EMAIL  (status=STARTED OR status="NOT RUN" OR status=COMPLETED OR status=FAILED)
| eval initialStatus=if(status="STARTED" OR status="NOT RUN", status, null())
| eval finalStatus=if(status="COMPLETED" OR status="FAILED", status, null())
| stats values(initialStatus) as initialStatus values(finalStatus) as finalStatus by jobId
0 Karma
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