I would like to extract the strings between multiple delimiters as below.
INPUT : src=`D:\GENEOS Program Files\App\FILE_DC_BP_JOBS_APACHE_DISPLAY_1190FA52.log`
From the above I need to extract only JOBS_APACHE_DISPLAY
Can you please help? I have tried with multiple regex options, but it also fetches additional strings.
Below is my attempt:
| eval log=replace(src,"([^\\\]+\\\)","")| eval Name=substr(log,1,len(log)-13)| eval Name=substr(Name,12,len(log))
req: need to display the strings between 3rd and 6th _
Try this
.... | eval src=split(src, "_") | eval log=mvindex(src, 3)."_".mvindex(src, 4)."_".mvindex(src, 5)
Like this:
... | rex field=src "(?:[^_]+_){3}(?<capture>[^_]+_[^_]+_[^_]+)_"
Since your question mentioned regex, here's a solution using rex
... | rex field=src "\w+_\w+_\w+_(?<log>\w+_\w+_\w+)_" | ...
Try this
.... | eval src=split(src, "_") | eval log=mvindex(src, 3)."_".mvindex(src, 4)."_".mvindex(src, 5)
This should work as well as better regex with lookahead lookbehind.
the values at the end "1190FA52.log" is not constant (not always 13 at end)