I have a search to create a summary index which runs every 15 minutes:
index=foo "myerror" | bin span=15m _time | sistats count by _time
I'd like to have 0 in my summary search when there are no events matching "myerror".
How do I do that?
Give this a try
index=foo "myerror" | bin span=15m _time | sistats count by _time | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time| bucket span=15m _time | table _time count | sistats count by _time ]
I tried this (I am getting rid of the bin span)... this works except when there are no errors then it says 1 instead of 0.
I tried adding eval count=count-1 in the appendpipe clause but could not get this to give me zero.
index=foo "myerror" | sistats count |appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time| table _time count | sistats count ]
See if this works: Change it from sistats to stats and use the collect command..,
... | stats count by _time | collect index=summary
Thanks but that didn't do it. I don't get data when I have no events.