Splunk Search

How to use the C# SDK to return a large search result set (5,000,000 rows)?



I have a "Saved Report" (Named- GetIP), which finds unique IP passed through firewall for th Last 30 days. It reports data approximately 5,000,000 rows.

Search is like this:

index=myIPIndex  | stats max(_time) as LastSeen,Count by foundIP | convert ctime(LastSeen) | sort -LastSeen

I am using C# SDK 2.0. Can someone provide working example to retrieve all 5,000,000 rows? I am getting only first 10,000 rows which is max row defined by Splunk.


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1 Solution


For a start, don't use the sort command in your search. The sort command output is limited to 10,000 results; this is probably the source of your difficulties. See the sort documentation here.

Plus, if you want to sort 5 million values, do it outside of Splunk...

View solution in original post


For a start, don't use the sort command in your search. The sort command output is limited to 10,000 results; this is probably the source of your difficulties. See the sort documentation here.

Plus, if you want to sort 5 million values, do it outside of Splunk...


I was "sort" command which has limit for 10000

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