I have the following query,
index="xxxx" source="*$Device_ID$*xxxx*"
| eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
| rex field=_raw "(?<timestamp>[^|]+)"
| table Device_ID timestamp
| streamstats count as s_no by Device_ID
| sort 0 - s_no
| table Device_ID s_no timestamp
How to use map or foreach command for the above query so it will run separately for each Deviceid
| eval time=strptime(timestamp,"%F %T.%4N")
| streamstats max(time) as latest_time
| where time >= latest_time
The provided query appears to run for each Device_ID already. How is the query not meeting your expectations? What is the use case? Why do you think you need map or foreach?
Hi @richgalloway ,
This is my whole query.
index="xxxx" source="*$Device_ID$*xxxx*"
| eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
| rex field=_raw "(?<timestamp>[^|]+)"
| table Device_ID timestamp
| streamstats count as s_no by Device_ID
| sort 0 - s_no
| table Device_ID s_no timestamp
I'm trying to remove events which is decreasing inbetween. Here I have used "filldown" command. So it is messing up with other devices.
To get of this, I want to use map or foreach. But not sure how to implement in the above query.
Sample Data:
2021-08-09 12:26:55.7852
2021-08-09 12:26:56.2278
2021-08-09 12:26:56.2278
2021-08-09 12:26:56.3939
2021-08-09 12:26:39.2861
2021-08-09 12:26:40.3430
2021-08-09 12:26:41.3482
2021-08-09 12:26:41.4832
2021-08-09 12:26:56.8794
2021-08-09 12:26:57.8846
2021-08-09 12:26:58.9398
2021-08-09 12:26:59.9450
2021-08-09 12:26:59.9700
2021-08-09 12:26:59.9700
2021-08-09 12:27:00.8201
2021-08-09 12:27:00.8401
2021-08-09 12:27:01.0352
2022-03-30 10:09:25.6406
2022-03-30 10:09:25.8007
2022-03-30 10:09:26.8109
2022-03-30 10:09:27.5961
2022-03-30 10:09:27.5961
If you see the timestamp which is marked as bold, seconds value got decreasing inbetween , I'm trying to ignore those events.
Somecase hours or minutes also will decrease
| eval time=strptime(timestamp,"%F %T.%4N")
| streamstats max(time) as latest_time
| where time >= latest_time
Thank you @ITWhisperer . Can you please help me with where should i add those lines you mentioned
Try something like this
index="xxxx" source="*$Device_ID$*xxxx*"
| eval Device_ID=mvindex(split(source,"/"),5)
| rex field=_raw "(?<timestamp>[^|]+)"
| table Device_ID timestamp
| streamstats count as s_no by Device_ID
| sort 0 - s_no
| table Device_ID s_no timestamp
| eval time=strptime(timestamp,"%F %T.%4N")
| streamstats global=f max(time) as latest_time by Device_ID
| where time >= latest_time
Hi @ITWhisperer ,
| streamstats global=f max(time) as latest_time by Device_ID | where time >= latest_time
This is giving accurate results. But when i enable scheduled search, it is running in fast mode. In fast mode, I found few events are missing. Is there any alternate way for this command