Splunk Search

How to use fillnull for certain fields (and not for other ones)


My search ends with:


| table Afdeling 20* Voorlaatste* Laatste* verschil


It has several detail rows and 1 row with totals. I want to use fillnull for the totals for the 20* columns (2023-10, 2023-11 etc.) but not for Voorlaatste* Laatste* and verschil. 

I can't use 


| fillnull 20* value="0.0"


because that adds a column "20*" and I don't want to use fillnull 2023-10 etc.

Is there a way to do this?

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1 Solution


The fillnull command does not support wildcards.  Try using foreach as a wrapper around fillnull.

| foreach 20* [fillnull '<<FIELD>>' value="0.0"]


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View solution in original post


The fillnull command does not support wildcards.  Try using foreach as a wrapper around fillnull.

| foreach 20* [fillnull '<<FIELD>>' value="0.0"]


If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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