Hello Splunkers,
I have the following query returning the search results,
| search "metrics.job.overall_status"="FAILED" OR "metrics.job.overall_status"="PASSED" metrics.app="*"
| eval timestamp=strftime(floor('metrics.job.end_ts'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| sort 0 metrics.app timestamp
| streamstats current=f last(metrics.job.overall_status) as prev_status last(timestamp) as prev_timestamp by metrics.app
| fillnull value="NONE" prev_status
| fillnull value="NONE" prev_timestamp
| eval failed_timestamp=if(metrics.job.overall_status="FAILED" AND (prev_status="NONE" OR prev_status!="FAILED"), timestamp, null())
| table metrics.app, metrics.job.overall_status, prev_status, timestamp, prev_timestamp,failed_timestamp
The result is null in every entry. What is wrong?
even though there are FAILED status with the above specified conditions but the failed_timestamp results are null()
can anyone please share how to correct this...
Splunk can get confused by the dot operator as it can separate parts of a field name, components of a JSON field, or represent concatenation. To help eliminate the confusion try renaming fields to name that do not contain dots or put single quotes around the field names.
Thank you so much ....That's working
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