I am getting the input source file date from the name of the file itself (sourcefilename20151412.csv), like this:
index="radius" |eval subname=substr(source,14,8) |top subname |table subname
result: 20151412
I want to transform this time format from 20151412 to 2015-14-12
Is it possible with rex
? I would like know more about rex.
Rex is only one way to do this. You could use three substr commands to get the parts and then put them together using concatenation. Since you asked for rex, here is one method.
... | rex field=subname mode=sed "s/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/\1-\2-\3/" | ...
Rex is only one way to do this. You could use three substr commands to get the parts and then put them together using concatenation. Since you asked for rex, here is one method.
... | rex field=subname mode=sed "s/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/\1-\2-\3/" | ...
Perfectly valid approach. A quick test shows that eval/strptime is about 30% faster (on my laptop) when comparing to rex/sed with a query against a little over 100k sample events, so if efficiency is important, I would consider that.
If you want to test in your environment, try
... | eval myDate = strftime( subname, "%Y-%m-%d")
It won't help you in your quest to learn more about the rex command, though. 🙂
Thank you
Why not just follow it up with a | eval newDate = strptime(...) according to the docs here?