Splunk Search

How to search more than 1 year data



I want to search more than one year data for particular machine.

How to check is possible to get more than one year data?

Could you please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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1 Solution


You have to know the retention policy of your index 1st, I don't think you can do that through UI.
You can run this query to get the retention policy in days

| rest /services/data/indexes 
 | rename title as index | dedup index | sort index
 | streamstats count as Row
 | eval Days=frozenTimePeriodInSecs/86400
 | fields Row index frozenTimePeriodInSecs Days

If this info is not good enough, you can ask your Splunk team for more information on the retention policy, with that being answered one more question would be can we query that frozen data the answer is Yes.
here is the link you can refer to https://wiki.splunk.com/Community:UnderstandingBuckets

Thanks! hope this helps.

View solution in original post

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You have to know the retention policy of your index 1st, I don't think you can do that through UI.
You can run this query to get the retention policy in days

| rest /services/data/indexes 
 | rename title as index | dedup index | sort index
 | streamstats count as Row
 | eval Days=frozenTimePeriodInSecs/86400
 | fields Row index frozenTimePeriodInSecs Days

If this info is not good enough, you can ask your Splunk team for more information on the retention policy, with that being answered one more question would be can we query that frozen data the answer is Yes.
here is the link you can refer to https://wiki.splunk.com/Community:UnderstandingBuckets

Thanks! hope this helps.

0 Karma


Hello Sandeep,

Thanks for the answer .

I think i do not have rights to run the above commands.

I am getting empty columns for frozenTimePeriodInSecs and Days

i am able to see only index names.

Is possible to check what is the starting time the data available?

0 Karma

| metadata index=YourIndexName type=hosts 
| stats max(lastTime) as lastTime, min(firstTime) as firstTime 
| convert ctime(firstTime), ctime(lastTime)

This should do it!

If it helped can you accept the answer, please.

0 Karma


on the splunk time picker you have the option to select the time frame.
you can select date range on the time picker or Data time range
Select All time, please be carefully because it will run a search to all data for that particular host.
other point to consider is about the retention data, so you have to make sure the data is being stored for more than 1h for the particular host

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Hello Ivanreis,

Thanks for the reply.

I tried with time picker. I selected August 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018. But nothing is showing in the result.

I did search only with Host name of machine "DSS-Patch-DC01"

And also i tried with all indexes.

If possible please tell me how to check the age of data which is stored in splunk.

0 Karma


the age of data is defined as the retention police.
Check this additional link where you can have more information about it
-> https://answers.splunk.com/answers/553180/how-to-find-the-retention-period-of-an-index.html

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