I'm using `Splunk Add-on for Box` to collect box logging data.
As a premise, `box:events' contains information for `uploaded`, `deleted`, `downloaded`, `source_item_id`, `source_parent_id` events, where `source_item_id` means file id, and `source_parent_id` means its folder id.
The `box:file` contains `file id`, `location` events.
The `box:folder` contains `folder id`, `location` events.
My purpose is to resolve folder location from `box:evets` file's `some action' event.
I can resolve by `box:file' with one outer join SPL like this.
search index="box" sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d
| field _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id
| join type=outer left=L right=R where L.source_item_id=L.id
[ search index=box sourcetype="box:file" earliest=-1 | field id location ]
| table L._time L.source_item_name R.location
And I can do with `box:folder` like this.
search index="box" sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d
| field _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id
| join type=outer left=L right=R where L.source_parent_id=L.id
[ search index=box sourcetype="box:folder" earliest=-1 | field id location ]
| table L._time L.source_item_name R.location
But I don't know how integrate above two SPL into one.
Please tell me some idea. Thanks in advance.
Try to avoid using join, it is slow and inefficient. Try something like this
search index="box" (sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d) OR (sourcetype="box:file" earliest=-1) OR (sourcetype="box:folder" earliest=-1)
| eval source_item_id=if(sourcetype="box:file",id,source_item_id)
| eval source_parent_id=if(sourcetype="box:folder",id,source_parent_id)
| eventstats values(location) as file_location by source_item_id
| eventstats values(location) as folder_location by source_parent_id
| where sourcetype="box:events"
| table _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id file_location folder_location
Try to avoid using join, it is slow and inefficient. Try something like this
search index="box" (sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d) OR (sourcetype="box:file" earliest=-1) OR (sourcetype="box:folder" earliest=-1)
| eval source_item_id=if(sourcetype="box:file",id,source_item_id)
| eval source_parent_id=if(sourcetype="box:folder",id,source_parent_id)
| eventstats values(location) as file_location by source_item_id
| eventstats values(location) as folder_location by source_parent_id
| where sourcetype="box:events"
| table _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id file_location folder_location
Thank you very much. This is working to me and feel a bit faster than before.
> where L.source_item_id=L.id
where L.source_item_id=R.id
> where L.source_parent_id=L.id
where L.source_parent_id=R.id