I'm using `Splunk Add-on for Box` to collect box logging data. As a premise, `box:events' contains information for `uploaded`, `deleted`, `downloaded`, `source_item_id`, `source_parent_id` events, where `source_item_id` means file id, and `source_parent_id` means its folder id. The `box:file` contains `file id`, `location` events. The `box:folder` contains `folder id`, `location` events. My purpose is to resolve folder location from `box:evets` file's `some action' event. I can resolve by `box:file' with one outer join SPL like this. search index="box" sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d
| field _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id
| join type=outer left=L right=R where L.source_item_id=L.id
[ search index=box sourcetype="box:file" earliest=-1 | field id location ]
| table L._time L.source_item_name R.location And I can do with `box:folder` like this. search index="box" sourcetype="box:events" event_type=DOWNLOAD earliest=-1d
| field _time source_item_name source_item_id source_parent_id
| join type=outer left=L right=R where L.source_parent_id=L.id
[ search index=box sourcetype="box:folder" earliest=-1 | field id location ]
| table L._time L.source_item_name R.location But I don't know how integrate above two SPL into one. Please tell me some idea. Thanks in advance.
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