Hi All,
I created single value panels using a time-series chart. If there is no data it's display's "no results found"
But I want to display "0(zero)" instead of no results.
Can any help how to do this.
index = * sourcetype=* procount=* phase=* | timechart span=10m count(eval(phase="running") as dd
Can you please try this?
index = * sourcetype=* procount=* phase=* | timechart span=10m count(eval(phase="running")) as dd | appendcols [| makeresults | eval dd="0"]
| appendpipe [stats count | where count = 0]
Can you please try this?
index = * sourcetype=* procount=* phase=* | timechart span=10m count(eval(phase="running")) as dd | appendcols [| makeresults | eval dd="0"]