Hi everyone
I am performing a dedup on raw of the form:
index=cisco_ucs host=KSCUCS2 splunk_server="spn2stl*" dn="sys/chassis-2/blade-8/bios/fw-boot-loader"
|dedup _raw
However Splunk returns 2-events which I believe should be only one as they are equivalent:
Both events have the exact same fields and field-values with the exception that they are not in the same order and Splunk assumes they are different strings.
I have tried several commands such as makemv, sort, etc with no luck.
I tried the following which I cannot understand why it does not work:
index=cisco_ucs host=KSCUCS2 splunk_server="spn2stl*" dn="sys/chassis-2/blade-8/bios/fw-boot-loader"
|eval raw2=_raw
|makemv raw2 delim=","
|eval s=mvsort(raw2)
|rename raw2 as _raw
|dedup _raw
Thank you for your help
I think dedup won't work with multi-value fields. Try this.
index=cisco_ucs host=KSCUCS2 splunk_server="spn2stl*" dn="sys/chassis-2/blade-8/bios/fw-boot-loader"
|eval raw2=_raw
|makemv raw2 delim=","
|eval s=mvsort(raw2)
|nomv s
|dedup s
I think dedup won't work with multi-value fields. Try this.
index=cisco_ucs host=KSCUCS2 splunk_server="spn2stl*" dn="sys/chassis-2/blade-8/bios/fw-boot-loader"
|eval raw2=_raw
|makemv raw2 delim=","
|eval s=mvsort(raw2)
|nomv s
|dedup s
Thank you for the nomv command as this solved the problem, additionally my events had random whitespaces in different places which I solved using trim(_raw) before splitting the features, something to consider for other people that face this problem that took me about 2 days to solve
Shouldn't line 5 in your last snippet be |rename s as _raw
That's right, thanks for catching that one. I miss typed on my question